
Highlands Sustainable Home

Check out this home which is currently in its early stages, but has big goals to achieve!

The Denver Highlands Sustainable Home:
  • Passive Solar
  • Modular Construction
  • Geothermal Heating & Cooling
  • On Site Food Production
  • Infill Site

Wall Street

I went to see the movie, Wall Street the other day and it has totally solidified my wants to live off the grid, self-sustainably, much like Thoreau did in Walden. The fact that one unsubstantiated rumor can cost thousands of people their job and put many others on the line is quite scary. Why would our entire country be based on a stock exchange system which is controlled by greedy, self-absorbed people that would throw anyone under the bus at any time?

And what about media control? What if the American people were totally oblivious to the state of the economy? We the people would go about our lives. We would work. We would still continue to consume.

We would not live in fear.

"Insanity - When people continue to do the same thing and expect a different result." So lets change our actions. Lets control the media. Let us live more simply.


Against the Grain

You can take me anywhere, anytime, anyway.
To the trailer park, to the Manhattans.
I'll be ok. I may not fit in, but that's ok.
Maybe it's ok that I don't truly fit in ANYWHERE.
I will always be a floater.. from one group to another.
Guess you need to mix it up in life, eh?

man i love motocross..

Probably one of the best races of the Outdoors season! Canard & Pourcel battle it out.. these two have been so fun to watch all season. Both so talented and in it to win it. Also, in the 450 class, Windham takes the 1st overall for the first time in three years! I grew up watching this guy and am blown away that he still kills it.