
Up In the Air

I love flying.. to look at our Earth from the air is truly amazing. I see the endless quilt of farms, the many rows of houses, the coastline separating the land from the ocean and while over mountain ranges, I pick the line I would take down them on my snowboard. Mankind has constructed some amazing buildings, but from the sky they seem so miniscule, so minut. We are one planet and one galaxy of many. We currently believe that Earth is the only planet supporting life in our galaxy.. and so much life it is!



"Arcology" - Used by famous architect, Soleri Paolo, meaning architecture coherent with ecology. Paolo was an author, visionary and pioneer of new human spaces. He was the first architect to design buildings and communities with keeping our habitat in mind.

His idea was that there is an inherent logic in the structure and nature of organisms that have grown on this planet. Any architecture, any urban design, and any social structure that violates that structure and nature is destructive of itself and of us and inversely, these that are based upon organic principles is valid and will prove its own validity, i.e. it's vailidity to live.

Paolo's conception of Arcology is a visionary of cities designed to maximize the interaction and accessibility associated with an urban environment; minimize the use of energy, raw materials and land, reducing waste and environmental pollution; and allow interaction with the surrounding natural environment.

Why has it taken so long for man to start building communities in this way? Imagine a community where everything was accessible by walking, biking or alternative transportation. A community that shared gardens and grew all the fruits and vegetable they needed. A community with recycling & composting programs and education of sustainability. A community connected with the environment... and why not make this a reality?

Here are some of his quotes I found interesting:

"The photosynthetic veneer, the vegetal world, must not be overlaid by a man-caused opaque veneer."

"The real is the present. The practical is in most cases the past, a frozen imagery of the real not fully becoming. The American dream is the present as practicality rather than the present as real."

If everyone lived the "American dream", it would take over 20 planets to support us...

"That which can be described can become obsolete."

A community in the current era, the first LEED Platinum Community in British Columbia called the Olympic Village:


Cricket Campus Rail Jam 2010

Last Thursday was the Boulder stop for the Cricket Campus Rail Jam. They didn't come to Fort Collins so it was off to Boulder! Images of two-sevs on and frontboards filled my head... until the guys went in Heat 1. No one was really landing anything and I knew the setup was way too steep and flat landings were inevitable.

Girls were in Heat 2. Attempts at the down-flat-down were given, and all failed.
Check out my attempt (lol) ---->

Feeling pretty bad about my heat, I was not expecting to make it to finals. But sure enough, #27 was called. Thinking I would rather just start drinking than ride, I walked up the scaffolding slowly. My goal was to just land a couple of solid
tricks. 4th place and a spot at the finals in
Portland was how the night ended and it was better than expected!

Hopefully next year CCRJ will hire someone that knows their Physics and Trig. :)